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How to Use Filters on POF Websites?

If you are looking for your perfect match, then POF is one of the best dating sites on the internet.

This free dating site can help you find your better half but in order to find them you must search.

The searching part is obviously important, you can’t just prefer anyone on the site.

That is the reason filters exist. With the help of filers on POF website, you can segregate your list.

This literally refine your search and will match you with people according to your choice.

POF filter options are vast, from body type, height, plenty of fish username search, there are many things that you can put filters on.

Use Filters on POF Website

1. Simply login to your POF account.

2. Next Click on the search option located in the top between ‘meet me’ and ‘online’.

3. This will open basic plenty of fish search page, where you can search for requirements like age, gender, city, postal code etc.

4. After you are done refining filters simply click on “Go Fishing!” button and it will redirect your search results.

Now for those who wants more filtered results can go for POF Advance Search.

This option is located right next to ‘Basic Search’ on top of the page.

When you select advance search you will be redirected to a page many questions.

These questions might be personal and will help POF to find better matches for you.

The options in Advance search will range from Age, height, education, profession, smokes, hair colour, longest relationship and many other such questions.

Things to Know About POF’s Basic Search

Well refining plenty of fish username search, or any other search is no longer possible without registration.

Basic search is good if you don’t want much narrowed options and want to meet new people of all sorts.

But even with basic search, there are some important things that you should consider.

1. Age

Yes, this is an important part of basic search. So, you must refine your age.

Keeping the age option as wide a possible can be tempting but then you are unlikely you get good response.

2. Frequent Users only, Please

Using the ‘Last Visit’ filter will help you find active women on the website.

If you just created your POF account, then “Newest User” option can work wonders.

3. Good intentions

Using the “Intent” filter will show you five different categories, ranging from casual dating to looking for marriage.

It is better to be clear before starting anything new.

Things to Know About POF’s Advance Search

One of the best things about POF dating site is that it provides a good range of search options.

This is very important if you are a choosy person, and just want perfect match.

The Advance search can have filters ranging Gender, Age, Height, Religion, Pets, Education, Profession, Ambition, and the list goes on.


So, this was all about how to use filters on POF Websites. The above guide will help you to make the best of your search results.

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